
30th MAY playlist

Ming - Apres la Guerre (from 'fucky don't cd' compilation on FuckyLaibel)

Matthew Herbert - Plat du Jour -- Early Demo of 365 people eating an apple in Spain and England + Hidden Sugars [early version](from 'Plat du Jour - Appetiser EP' on Accidental Records)

Cogs - Hairstyle (from 'Cogs Anthology 00 - 03' available from www.dietsoda.net)

8 Frozen Modules - Drills For Devil Duck (Very Friendly)

Institut Fur Feinmotorik - Falschung (7" on eventuell -- www.eventuell.org)

DJ C - Crazy Bald Heads (Mashit Records)

Liiminarina - Elviksen Tinattonosotilaat (from 'Supermarket' (Bad Vugum)

Hematic Sunsets - Frottierzapfen (from 'Rendezvous Im Aromaclub Volume 2' LP on Klang der Festung)

Goodiepal - B&O (7")

Spiders on Phasing - The Scorpions Outtakes part 8 (Gagarin)

Alan Watts - Zen Poems (from 'Zen and Senryu' on Locust Music)

Mark Stewart and the Maffia - Hypnotised (Soul Jazz)

Bohman Brothers - Western Omelettes (Peripheral Conserve)

Oren Marshall - untitled (from 'Introduction to the story of Spedy Sponda Part One: In A Silent Room' on slowfoot recordings)

Mu - Paris Hilton (Output)

Caribou - Barnowl (Leaf)

Kovert - Beware of your Enemies (Transgressor Dub) (Kraked Industries]

+ CHEVRON (planet mu / wrong music) live in session