
Playlist 23rd Feb 2007

1. Candie Hank Bootybank (Sonig)
2. Bonde Do Role Gasolina (Domino)
3. Ninki V 100 mile high club (Sock records)
4. Air Once upon a time (Source)
5. Mikhail Untiled in C minor (Sub rosa)
6. Cessendaro and the nobodies We are the nobodies Demo www.myspace.com/cessenaroandthenobodies
7. Dolby Anol Ghost Haus Myspace http://www.myspace.com/dolbyanol
8. Textile Ranch Bear is Ours (Static Caravan)
9. Kodec Timtoum (Hot Vitamin)
10. Marissa Nadler Mexican Summer (Peace frog)
11. Boredoms Go (Very Friendly)